"Jonathan Young of JY Associates worked with Innovative Carpets to help us build a strategy around differentiation and service. As a small hands-on business we found it very useful to have an outside perspective to focus on specific areas that would help in our growth objectives. Jonathan's knowledge of the carpet industry, particularly woven Axminster and Wilton, and his contacts in the US market provided a perfect, credible background for that support, and I would recommend him to other businesses looking for fresh input and ideas"
Innovative Carpets
"Already being an established company in the hospitality industry over the last 27 years, we had become a proven source for high end window treatments. Our only drawback was that outside of our small base of clientele, the industry really wasn’t aware of our existence. I set forth to spread the “good word,” but with 27 years of production knowledge under my belt, I quickly realized I did not have the Marketing experience I needed to make this a reality. Fortunately for us, I came across Jonathan Young. He was able to outline a plan to create a marketing team that put our goal in motion. Additionally, he was also able to give us a valuable look at our business through the eyes of our clients Via numerous interviews he conducted in researching our company. We are now well on the way to building a brand and broadening our exposure, you may have even heard of us recently yourself."
5 Star Interior Services, Inc